Lok Sewa Aayog Interview

Tips To Become Successful In Lok Sewa Aayog Interview

Interview ko shabdika artha kunai khasa pesha wa nokarima prabesha ka lagi yogya byakti chhanot garna parikshakale pariksharthi/students lai line maukhika jacha wa prashnotar lai interview bhaninchha.

Arko shabda ma bhanu parda kunai byakati ko bichar, drishtikoNa sathai sharirika,manasika yabam sambegatmak awastha bujhan aapasama garine bishesha kurakani wa sambada lai nai interview (antarbarta) bhaninchha. Kunai pani government & private office ko lagi yogya, daksha yabam prabhawashali byakti (person) chhanot garna abalamban garine bibhinna prakara Madhya interview yak ho. Umedawar ko sharirika, manasika,sambegatmaka awatha, samuhika chhalafal, tarka garne kshamataka sathai samarga byakatiko parikshaNa garnaka lagi interview line garinchha.

Lok Sewa Aayog Ko Interview ma Kasari Tayari Garne?

Interview ma byakti kunai kura ma jankari bhayar matra hudain. Thaha bhayako kura lai ramrori abhibyakta gar ra paristhiti anusara byabahara ma utarna sakne hunu pardachha. Samanyataya junasukai taha (level) / sewa samuhako parikshama sahabhagi hune pariksharthika lagi interview kautuhala,anyola ra bhayako bishya huna sakchha. Bishayako ramro tayari hudahudai pani kati paya awasthama aafulai thaha nabhayaka questions sodhina sakchan ra najawafa banne huna sakchhan. Tara yasto awastha apawada swarua matra aauna sakchha. Yasari anukula ra pratikula junasukai awastha ma pani pani aafulai santulita awasthama rakhera interview ma prastuta huna saknu parcha. Interview ko tayari garda aafule exam diya ko taha ,samuha ko samuran bishaya haru ma ramro sanga study garer janu parne hunchha. Interview ma khasai gara questions sodhidain badhi byabaharik ra baudika (IQ) types ko questions sodhine hunda mind lai khelayar bistharai logic lagayra answer dinu parne hunchha. Interview ma mero pahuna pudain ,maile neta chineko chhain , anya Thulabadha manchhe chineko xain bhaner manobad giraune ra negative kura kahile sochanu hudain. Lok sewa aayog ko kunai exam ma yasta chineka ra power wala manchhe le matra jagi rakhay ko record chhain. Yo kshetra ma padhan ma ramro bhaya ko person le jati sukai kamjora family ani durgam basti ko kina nahosa jagira khaya kai chha. Taysai le tapai haru aafanu manobal lai baliyo banaya ra aafano tayari mabyapak lagnu parne hunchha.

Useful: How To Succeed in Lok Sewa Aayog Exam?

Lok sewa aayog wa anya sasthan harule line exam haru ma first phase & second phase (pratham ra dorso charan) ko exam ma passed/name nikali sake pachhi matra antima charan (final phase) ko interview exam  ma matra umedawar/students le  sahabhagi huna pauda chhan. Interview ma ko lagi anya exam jasto syllable tokiya ko hudain. Yasma pada/level suhaudo jasto sukai questions sodhan sakne chhan nirayak haru le, tesai le yasako lagi ummedawar le aatinu parne kunai kura chhain kin bhane lekhita exam jasto yo topics bata yadi marks ko aauchha maile padheko chhain k garne hola bhaner aatinu parne kunai bishaya nai chhain. Sake samma sampura kshetra ko janakari dherai bhanda dherai lirakhanu parne hunchha. Jata bata ni questions sodhane bhaya ko le sodhiyaka questions ko sajilai jawaf dina sajilo hunchha. Interview ma safal ummedawar bana ko lagi interview ka mulabhuta pakshaharu lai bujhera aafule nam nikale ko taha ko sampura subject ma tayari garer janu pratham  ra aadharabhuta sharta huna janchha.

Lok Sewa Aayog (Bagmati Pradesh): http://spsc.bagamati.gov.np

Lok Sewa Aayog Interview ma prastuta huda dhyan dinuparne mukhya kuraharu:

  • Interview hune date, place ra time ko barema agrima janakari lie interview ka din interview suru bhunubhanda kamtima 1 hours ago exam center ma pugne.
  • Interview dina jane kramama exam ko admit card, 2 photo, orginal documents, orginal documents ko one-one copy photocopy tatha maga gariyaka anya kagajat laijanu parne hunchha.
  • Ummedawar le interview class ma entre garisake pachhi interview line byaktiharu upar dhyandrishti didai shiShatatapurbak abhibadan gari uniharule basne esara garisake pachhi nirdharita kursima basnuparchha.
  • Interview ma ummedawar le dress ma pani special dhyana dinu parne hunchha. Interview ma sahabhagi hune ummedawar ko poshakko barema pani spashta byabstha nabhay pani utaulo posakha bhanda aafulai suhaudo, sharirama Tamakka mileko sathai aatmabishwasa jagaune khalko safa ra aupacharika poshakha ma prastuta hunu upayukta hune chha.
  • Interview ma prastuta huda ummedawar le aafuma aatma bishwash jagai face ma manda-manda muskan lyauna saknu parchha. Shalina bhayar answer dine prayasa garnu parda chha.
  • Questions ko answer dida darayar/akamakayar, mukha bigarera, narvaj bhayar, ra aatiyar dinu hudain.
  • Interview dinda body halaune, dherai charko sora ma bolne. Hasane jasta kam garnu hudai.
  • Interview ma eye contact le bishesa bhimita khelne bhaya ko le eye contact ma pani bishesha dhyayan puraunu parda chha.interview ko karma siddiya pachhi antarbartakara harulai shiSHiTatapurbak abhibadan gardai aagana sampuraNa documents lie karyakakshaya bata bahirine.
Lok Sewa Preparation Guide

Lok Sewa Preparation Guide

Lok sewa aayog yasari nai padhnu pardachha bhaner kunai sutra (formula) bhane chhain, aafulai jasari sajilo hunchha tesari nai padhanu pardachh, sake samm formula banayar nai padhnu pardachh. Aafulai k garda chadai yada garna sakinchha, tesari nai adhyayan (study) garnu parda chha. Lok sewa tayari garda mulhya kura k khyala rakhanu parda chha bhane lok sewa/anya kunai pani sarakari (government) jagira ma exam dida sambandhita aayog le tarjuma gareko pathyakram (syllable) lai pahile ramro sanga adhyayan garer taya rima lagne ho bhane nam nikalna teti dherai garo naparne dekhinchha?

Syllable ma aadharita rahera, teas bhitra ka sabai Titles purai padhne bani basalnu parda chha. Lok sewa padhda kahile pani questions selected garer padhnu hudain kin bhane lok sewa le line hare exam ma naya naya questions sodhane gare ko tathyanka (data) bheytiya ko chha. Yasako artha feri yo hoina ki questions selected nai garnu hudain bhanna khoje ko hoina mahatpurNa (important) questions ta padhanai parda chha ra baki aru pani sabai questions padhne bani basalnu parda chha.

Yaha Lok Sewa padhane kehi important tips rakhiyaka chhan. Yasaripadhne ho bhane safalta praptagarna nikai sajilo hune dekhinchha.

Lok Sewa Aayog Kasari Tayari Garne? | How To Prepare for the Lok Sewa Exam:

  • Seven si (seven ‘C’)

lok sewa study start garda ‘seven c’ lai aadhar banayar study garnu pardachha. Yo tarika jun level ko exam dida pani apanauma sakinchha ra bastugat/biShayagat dubai lai yahi formula prayoga gare padhada ajhai upayokta hunchha.

  • kanTenTa (content)

content bhane ko syllable ho. Syllable ma k-k bishayabastu, tyasa bhitra bata kasta questions sodhinchhan : bastugat, bishyagat lai khyala gardai content ko paridhi bhjitra gaher padhnu pardachha.

Also Read: Lok Sewa Aayog Introduction | Public Service Commission Nepal

  • kansepT (concept)

concept thaha bhaya pachhi yasama raheka bishyabastu ko artha k ho? paribhaSha k ho? Yasa ko suruwat kasari bhayo? Revolution kasari bhayo? Tyasaka aayam k-k hun? Sajilai thaha pauna  sakinchhan.

  • Kor (core)

Kunai pani bishayabastu padhepachhi yasako mukhya tatwa k ho bhanya kuna ko ramro sanga jankari linu jaruri nai hunchha? Junasukai bishayama pani miyo k ho? Tyasalai thaha paunupardachha. Core kura thaha paiyo bhane sambandhita title lai badhaune, ghataune aafanai hatama hunchha.

Also Read: How To Check Lok Sewa Aayog Vacancy and Lok Sewa Result?

  • Coverage

Hami juna subject padhchau tyasaka bisheshata k0k huna, siddhanta , niti, sangathanika byabastha, kanuni byabastha jasta aneka kura ko mukhya dayara k ho? Tiyo subject/title le kati ko area ogateko chha jasta mukya kura thaha paunu jaruri nai hunchha. Exam ma questions syllable bata nai aaune huna. Syllable bhanda bahir bata questions aaune hoina, tesai le syllable mai aadharit bhayar padhnu parda chha.

  • Context

Yasako artha samaya-sandharbha ho. Juna bishaya chha, teyo bishaya ko ahileko awastha k ho? Aaja ko issue k ho? Yasta kura syllable ma hudainna. Aafulai baliyo gari ubhyauna present awastha bare pani janakari hunu pardachha. Aafanu country lai matra center ma rakhera study garnu hyudain, world lai nai center banayar study garne garnu pardachha.

  • Comment

Yi sabai bhayapachi bishaya bastuko sar k ho bhanne kura thaha pauna jaruri chha. Bishaya bastu ko gudi kura pata lagauna saknu pardachha. Samasya thaha paiyo tar aba samasya  samadhanka upaya k huna sakchan bhaner yasako niShakarsa ma lagnu pardachha. Positive vision rakhera agadi badhanu pardachha. Problem hoin solutions tira lagera adhyan garnu pardachha. Saidhantika, byabaharik pakshama pani exercise garnu parchha. Probability (sambhawana) ka kura niyalnuparchha.

Also Read: Lok Sewa Aayog Ko Kam, Kartabya Ra Adhikar?

  • Conclusions

Yi sabai kura ko jankari paisake pachhi bishayabastuko sara k ho bhanya kura thaha paunu jaruri chha. Bishayabastuko gudi bare pata lagauna saknuparchha. Problem hoin solutions dekhanu pardachha. Chunauti haru ko saamana gardai agadi badhanu pardachha. Chunauti lai awasar ma Dhalera herna saknuparcha. Abako samadhan ya bato yo banaunu parchhan bhaner agaDi badhanu pardachha.

Padhan suru garnu bhanda agadi fresh hunu parda chha. Padhanu suru garne matra hoina naya naya bidhi apanayar padhan thalnu parda chha. Hami dina dinai padhi raheka hunchhau tar kasari padhane bhane kura ko janakari nahuda padhe ka dherai kura haru memory ma save garna sakdainau. Thorai padhane tar mind ma save hune garera padhanu parda chha.


Sake samma routine banayar padhanu parda chha. Time chha ra syllable ma herer tes anusar padhanu pardachha. Jatila subject lai dherai time ra easy subject lai ali thorai time diyar padhanu pardachha. Nirantar routine ko madhyam bata padhne garne ho bhane exam ma soche jastai marks lyauna sakne hunchha.

Also Read: How To Succeed in Lok Sewa Aayog Exam?

Bastugat (Subjects)

Bastugat questions ko tayari garda kunai pani kura nachhutane ra kunai pani kura nadoriuna bhanne formula used garer padhanu pardachha. Kasai le pani sabai kura jane ko hudain ra lok sewa le pani sabai kura mageko hudain. Tesai le sake samma sabai title ma ali ali bhaya pani information liya kai hunu parda chha. Jastai Nepal ko bhugola bata 6 ota questions sodhane garda chha ra world ko history bata 3 ota questions sodhane garda chha bhane nepala ko bhugola matra thaha payar hudain ali ali bhaya pani dubai ko thaha hunai paro, tesai le kunai pani title/chapter chhutaunu hudain.

Baikalpika bishyabastuko adhyayan garda tina oata ‘A’ ko used garer padhanu parda chha.

  • Aghiko : suru ma kasto thiyo? Jasto ki, Nepal ma pahilo ra wishwa ma pahilo thaha paunu paro.
  • Ahileko : ahile kasto chha. Antima ko? Antima awastha k chha thaha paune.
  • A-second: bichama kasto bhayo? Bichama k k bhayo? Samanya thaha paune.

Samasamahik subject lai ali badhi focus garne. History ka bishyabastu lai herne. Yunik kura, IQ ka kura thaha paune. Padhera matrai pani hudain. Padhe ka kura haru lai samjhane bidhi haru apanaune garnu pardo chha.

Written/BiShayagat (subjective)

Subjective questions ko tayari garda seven ‘s’ lai nai Kendra bindu banayar padhne ho. Subject ko artha k ho? Kasari define gariyako chha? Tesaka aayam k k chhan? Suruwatkasari bhayo? Ahile tesako dayara kati farakilo chha? Ahileko awastha k ho? Tesaka kami kamajori k chhan? Tesama sudhar garnu parne kura k k chhan? Yinai kura ko sero fero ma raher study garne garda exam ma soche jasto marks lyauna sakinchha.

Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog (Bagmati Pradesh) Link: http://spsc.bagamati.gov.np//

Seven ‘S’ ma nimnanusar kura haru pardachhan:


Short or long answer lekhda right & left marjina chhoDne, ramro (good/sweet) title rakhne, sub title rakhne, buletama rakhane.


Lekha ko suruwat ramro hunuparchha. Journalistic method bata suruwat ma mukhya kura lekhne garnu parchha. First inference nai good hunuparchha taki checker ko dhyan tanine khalko hosa. Ani last tira ko answer ali fikka bhaya pani marks aaune probability high hunchha.


Lekhama bibhinna style used garnuparchha.answer lekhada paragraph ma bhanda points point na lekhada ramro hunchha. Latter ta ramro hunai parchha ani safa, clear pani hunuparchha.


Computations exam bhaya ko le kehi strategy pani apanaunu pardachha. Informations lai box ma rakhane, bibhinna chitra banaune, graph banaune, mukhay kura lai underline garne. Dhacha milayar lekhnuparchha.


Questions ma scope lukeko hunchha. Question ma k lukeko chha tiyo thaha paunuparchha. For example ahile Nepal ko rajaniti ma yuwa lai lyauna k garnu parla? Bhanne questions ma rajanitima ahile yuwaharu aakarsita chhain ra rajaniti ma lyauna k garnu parla bhane kura yo questions ma luke ko scope ho.


Size bhanna le questions ko answer kati lekhane banne ho. Diyako time bhitra number ko aadhara ma questions ko answer ko size hunuparhha. Thorai number, dherai number lai thorai time dinu hudain.


Lekha aashabadi hunuparchha. Active bhanda passive points hunuparchha. Indirectly rupama bauddhika yaproj hunuparchha. Positive conclusions dinuparchha.

Antima mayati points memory garer answer lekhane kosisa garnu hola. Abasya safalta prapta hunechha,

  • Answer lekhada maulikha, srijanatmak yabam tarkayukta jawaf lekhane prayas garnu parchha.
  • Negative and positive kura chhutayar answer dinu parchha.
  • Answer lekhada kerameta nagarne.
  • Answer lekhada sudha, safa ra bujine akshar lekhanu parchha. Yadi kaTanu parema sidha line taner kate hunchha.
  • Yati kura lai dhyan diyar lekhanu hola.
Pass Car Trial In Nepal

How Can I Pass Car Trial in Nepal?

Cars are the second most popular means of private transportation after motorbike in our country Nepal. You Might Have A Query That How Can I Pass Car Trial in Nepal! Well, this content covers those answers and tips for you.

Cars are the second most popular means of private transportation after motorbike in our country Nepal. Most people generally try for their car license after their motorbike and the format is similar overall. Here, the Car license trial also has two phases i.e. written and trail. The written test is fairly easy but only some people successfully complete their trial phase as well. Recently, the government has also changed the rules for Car license in the country and many people are not aware of this change. In this article, we will discuss about the current car trial system in the country and how to successfully clear one.

Steps to Pass Car Trial in Nepal:

Similar with the motorbike trial, there are also seven parts in the car trial system and the marks are allocated accordingly. Also, you have to accumulate similar passing marks i.e. 70 points to successfully get your car license in our country Nepal.

1. Round 8 – 20 marks

The first category to clear for our car license is the Round 8 which consists of 20 marks in total. This test is relatively simple in a car than in a motorbike and the rules are similar with a few adjustments here and there. Here, the main goal is to clear one and half round of the figure 8 without touching or knocking any marked lines or cones. 5 marks will be deducted each time the vehicle touches the line twice or knocks the cones twice. Any applicant that knocks or crosses the line more than twice is immediately disqualified. Similarly, the Applicants are also disqualified:

  • If the applicants fail to make an eight
  • Also, if the applicants doesn’t enter from the right side
  • If the vehicle is pushed backwards.

2. Speed Breakers/Bumps – 15 marks

Speed breakers relatively easy step in the car trial examination and people are rarely disqualified through it. The condition for completion is to drive the car though it without the engine stopping. Here, 5 marks is deducted if the engine stops once and the applicant is disqualified if it stops more than once.

3. U – turn – 10 marks

The U – turn is another simple task in the car trial and it only requires users to turn-on their right indicator and progress further. Applicants can acquire negative 10 marks if they forget to turn-on their indicators and are disqualified if they touch Yellow lines marked on either side.

4. Traffic Lights – 15 marks

Traffic lights are one of the most confusing phases in the car trial. And, it is advised that you go slowly to avoid any kinds of mistakes.  Although, you cannot be disqualified in this stage, the examiner will deduct 15 marks for you failure. Here, you only move forward on the GREEN light and stop on RED and YELLOW.

You might also like to Read: How To Pass Motorcycle Trial in Nepal?

More Useful Videos on YouTube: Taja Jankari

5. Ramp – 15 marks

In this test, applicants are required to go and down a slope while stopping in-between the marked lines. This also quite difficult as the applicant will be disqualified it they don’t stop on the marked lines on both the upwards slope and the downward slopes of the hill. Also, your vehicle shouldn’t slip more than six inches when you move forward in the slope. Failure to do so can also result in your immediate disqualification.

6. Garage Parking – 20 marks

In this final step, applicants only have to move their car backwards. The examiner can deduct our 10 points if the car moves forward once. Similarly, the applicant can be disqualified if their car moves forward more than once or if their vehicles touch the specified marked lines on the track.

7. Behavioral Aspects – 10 marks

In the behavioral aspects, you are judged on your discipline while riding the car. Failure to pass this stage will result in the deduction of your overall score. The criteria’s for deductions are shown hereafter:

  • Applicants will lose 3 points if they don’t check the tires, mirrors, brakes etc. prior to the test.
  • Applicants will lose 4 points if they don’t have their seat belts on and 3 points if they ride the vehicle recklessly.
Pass Motorcycle Trial in Nepal

How Can I Pass Motorcycle Trial in Nepal?

You Might Have A Query That How Can I Pass Motorbike or Motorcycle Trial in Nepal! Well, this content covers those answers and tips for you.

Everyone knows about the basic procedures to apply for a driving license in our country Nepal. The test generally includes two phases i.e. written and trial. Here, the majority of the applicants conquer the written phase with flying colors but fall on their face when it comes to the trial phase. In other words, the pressure is high and the confidence of riders tank when they see 6-7 traffic officers watching over them.

Recently, the government of Nepal has implemented a new marking system to reduce the number of failed applicants in the trial. Similarly, the rules are simpler and the examiners even more understanding. All in all, this is the perfect time to get your motorbike driving license made and some steps are listed below to achieve just that.

Steps to Pass Motorcycle Trial in Nepal:

The trial phase of Motorbike in Nepal has been divided into seven aspects where the examiners will judge your performance and provide marks for it. Similarly, the minimum marks required for the passing is 70 points for both motorcycle and scooters. Here, we have listed the steps according to those aspects for better understanding and higher success rates.

1. Round 8 – 20 marks

The first test makes the applicants do one and a half circle of the Round 8 track and carries a total of 20 marks. The general rule is for the riders to complete the track without their feet touching the ground and without going outside the marked yellow lines. Similarly, the criteria for marks reduction includes a deduction of 5 marks each with either a single touch of feet on the ground and crossing the yellow line once. Likewise the criteria for disqualification are shown hereafter:

  • A. Applicants touch the ground with their feet’s twice
  • B. Applicants cross the yellow marking twice
  • C. Applicants fails to make an eight
  • D. Applicants do not enter from the right side
  • E. If the vehicles engine stops

2. Narrow ply – 10 marks

If you have passed the round 8 phase, then you can take a breather as the next phases are quite easy. In the narrow ply test, applicants just have to drive straight with a good control over their handling. Similarly, there are no criteria for marks deduction but riders can be disqualified from either condition shown hereafter:

  • Riders touch the ground with their feet’s
  • Riders drive down the ply before it’s over

3. Traffic lights – 15 marks

Traffic lights are one of the confusing parts of the motorcycle trial and the total of 15 marks can be deducted from it. Although there are no criteria for disqualification, it’s better to take our time and clear this stage. Basically, you have to stop before the zebra crossing when the lights turn RED or YELLOW and continue when it glows green. Another thing to note is that the placement of traffic lights varies from one location to another and we should adapt as necessary.

4. U – turn – 10 marks

Next step is to continue along with the U – turn track. This step is fairly easy and it carries a total of 10 marks. Here, users should turn on their left side-light before entering and turn it off after exiting the U – turn. Similarly, the criteria for negative marks include the condition when the riders fail to turn on their left blinkers. Likewise, the condition for disqualification is shown hereafter:

  • Riders touch their feet on the ground
  • Riders touch the Yellow lines on either sides

You might also like to Read: Nepal’s 1st Electric Bike – Yatri Bike

More Useful Videos on YouTube: Taja Jankari

5. Bumps – 15 marks

The next step is to conquer the bumpy track in the trial. The condition for passing is simply to drive straight through it with good handling. Similarly, the condition for marks reduction is: – 5 marks deducted for either touching the ground with our feet and if our engine stops. Likewise, the conditions for disqualifications are shown hereafter:

  • If the vehicles engine stops more than once
  • If the rider touches the ground more than once

6. Ramp – 20 marks

Ramp is the final stage for riders to complete their driving license test. Here, riders have to drive up the slope and stop between the yellow markings. Also, you can only touch either of your feet on the ground to stop on the slope not both. Next, go upwards the slope again and stop between the Yellow lines again in the downhill section of the slope. Once again, we can only use one foot to stop the vehicle and move forward on the signal of the examiner. Finally, this should officially provide you with you Motorbike driving license. Similarly, you are disqualified on the spot if you fail to follow any of the above mentioned steps. Here, scooter riders are allowed to place both of their feet’s on the ground during this stage.

7. Behavioral Aspects – 10 marks

In the behavioral aspects, the examiner checks your carefulness and discipline during your trial exams. It carries 10 marks and you are required to check the conditions of your mirrors, tires, and brakes. There are no disqualifications but the reduction of marks can be done accordingly.

11 Titles of ICT Award 2020

11 Titles of ICT Award 2020

This is the biggest tech award. Its occurs every year in Nepal as annual ICT Awards Conference. ICT Award occurs in the capital city of Nepal. Its motto is to honor the Best Technology Centre in Nepal. The Award was held since 2016. It approached for 1200+ Nominations. It gave awards to 50+ Winners so far. The numbers of Associated Partners are 1100 plus. Today we will list out 11 Titles of ICT Award 2020.

Did you know?

In 2017, Paaila Technology had built Pari, a humanoid robot for Nepal SBI Bank. We are sure many of you know about Paaila Technology and their works. Paaila did apply for the ICT Award that time. And, it had managed to win the award in both the categories. It had applied for ICT Startup Award as well as Innovative Product Award. There might be such innovative people around you too, who might not have heard about this award, which is regarded with much respect in this industry. In 2020, the award was conducted in various 11 titles.

Those 11 Titles of ICT Award 2020 were:

  1. Startup ICT Award 2020
  2. Product ICT Award 2020
  3. Rising Student ICT Award 2020
  4. Innovation Driven Crisis Response ICT Award 2020
  5. Pioneer ICT Award 2020
  6. Nepali Diaspora ICT Award 2020
  7. Entrepreneur ICT Award 2020
  8. Woman ICON ICT Award 2020
  9. Media Person ICT Award 2020
  10. Digital Education ICT Award 2020
  11. Digital Governance ICT Award 2020

Hence these were the 11 Titles of ICT Award 2020.

HOW TO ENTER? The applicants have to fill the registration form to apply. They must ensure they fulfill all criteria and guidelines required. Entry is FREE.

The Award Categories so far are:

  • Huawei Startup ICT Award
  • Product ICT Award
  • Rising Star Innovation ICT Award
  • Pioneer ICT Award
  • Nepali Diaspora ICT Award
  • Entrepreneur ICT Award
  • Woman ICON ICT Award
  • Digital Education ICT AWARD (Private Sector)
  • Also, Digital Education ICT AWARD (Public Sector)
  • Digital Services ICT Award
  • Digital Governance ICT Award

For more up to date information, you may visit ICT Award Official Website Here: https://ictaward.org

Nabil SmartBank Forgot Password Service

How To Reset Your Password of Nabil SmartBank Mobile Banking App

Probably for the time in Nepali banking sector, Nabil Bank introduces the ‘Forgot Password’ option in a mobile banking app. Appreciate this initiation. Hope other banks too will roll out this service soon. Today we will show some overview steps on How To Reset Your Password of Nabil SmartBank Mobile Banking App. They are shown below.

Steps on “How To Reset Your Password of Nabil SmartBank Mobile Banking App” are as follows:

  1. You must get the service of Nabil SmartBank Mobile Banking from your bank. For this, you will have to pay some yearly charges. And, you will get login credentials for your Nabil SmartBank Mobile Banking. Hence, for that, you will need an app. If you are an Android user, please download it from the Google Playstore. And, if you are an iOS user, please download Nabil SmartBank Mobile Banking App from Appstore.
  2. If you have done these already, then let’s go to the reset procedures. For this, first of all you need to open the Nabil SmartBank App. Search for this app and tap to open.
    Nabil SmartBank App Installed
  3. After you tap on the app, you will see Nabil SmartBank App’s Homepage like this. There you can see “Forgot Password” option below, tap on it.
    Nabil SmartBank App Homepage
  4. Enter your Registered Mobile Number, Account Number, and Date of Birth to proceed.
  5. Scroll down little and tap on next to proceed.
    How To Reset Your Password of Nabil SmartBank Mobile Banking App

After a few confirmation steps, you will be able to reset your Nabil SmartBank Mobile Banking Login Password. If you face any other difficulties, you may comment down below. Or, you can get help from “Contact Us” of Nabil Bank Help Center.

Most Downloaded Mobile Banking Apps in Nepal

Most Downloaded Mobile Banking Apps in Nepal (Android Apps Count Only)

As the Banking Sector of Nepal grows, they are providing more and more services to its clients. Among all those services, one of the main services is Mobile Banking.

Mobile banking is the act of making financial transactions on a mobile device (cell phone, tablet, etc.). This activity can be as simple as a bank sending fraud or usage activity to a client’s cell phone or as complex as a client paying bills or sending money abroad. Advantages to mobile banking include the ability to bank anywhere and at any time. Disadvantages include security concerns and a limited range of capabilities when compared to banking in person or on a computer.

Nepali Banks and Total Downloads of Apps (Android Count Only) upto June 2020:

NIC Asia MoBank [NIC Asia Bank]: 500,000+ downloads
BOK Smart [Bank of Kathmandu]: 100,000+
EBL Touch 24 [Everest Bank Limited]: 100,000+
Global Smart [Global IME Bank]: 100,000+
Laxmi Bank Mobile Money [Laxmi Bank]: 100,000+
MBL Mobile Money (M3) [Machhapuchchhre Bank]: 100,000+
Mega Smart Banking [Mega Bank Nepal Limited]: 100,000+
Mero Saathi [Nepal SBI Bank]: 100,000+
Nabil SmartBank [Nabil Bank]: 100,000+
NBL Mobile Banking [Nepal Bank Limited]: 100,000+
NIBL Mobile (SMS) Banking [Nepal Investment Bank]: 100,000+
NMB Mobile Bank [NMB Bank]: 100,000+
Prabhu Mobile Banking [Prabhu Bank]: 100,000+
RBB Smart [Rastriya Banijya Bank]: 100,000+
Sanima Sajilo e-Banking [Sanima Bank]: 100,000+
Siddhartha BankSmart [Siddhartha Bank]: 100,000+
Sunrise Smart [Sunrise Bank]: 100,000+

ADBL Smart [Agricultural Development Bank]: 50,000+
Citizens Smart [Citizens Bank]: 50,000+
Civil Smart [Civil Bank]: 50,000+
Kumari Smart [Kumari Bank]: 50,000+
NCC Smart [NCC Bank]: 50,000+
Prime Smart [Prime Bank]: 50,000+

Century Pay [Century Bank]: 10,000+
HI-MB [Himalayan Bank]: 10,000+
NBBL Smart [Nepal Bangladesh Bank]: 10,000+
SC Mobile Nepal [Standard Chartered Bank]: 10,000+

Which bank’s app do you use? And how convenient do you find to use a bank’s app? Any suggestions and feedback you want to share regarding mobile banking services? Let us know from the comment section below.

Latest Statistics on GSM Mobile 3G 4G Mobile Broadband and ISPs Penetration in Nepal

Latest Statistics on GSM Mobile, 3G 4G Mobile Broadband and ISPs Penetration in Nepal

This is the latest data/report as “MIS Report” from 14 May, 2020-14 June, 2020 by Nepal Telecommunications Authority. In this report, you will find the Latest Statistics on Mobile (GSM), Mobile Broadband (3G/4G), and ISPs Penetration in Nepal.

Latest Statistics on GSM Mobile, 3G 4G Mobile Broadband and ISPs Penetration in Nepal in Summary:

Telecom Statistics Summary

Nepal Telecom subscribers: 1,97,41,107
Ncell GSM subscribers: 1,59,16,354
Smart GSM subscribers: 21,41,117
Voice Telephony penetration: 126.53%

Broadband Service Summary

3G subscribers: 1,14,41,017 (NT:85,82,634 | Ncell: 28,58,383)
4G subscribers: 47,10,779 (NT: 8,43,402 | Ncell: 36,84,832 | Smart: 1,82,545)
Mobile Broadband Penetration: 54.52%

NT internet users (ADSL+FTTH+3G+4G+..): 1,07,53,232
Ncell mobile data users (3G+4G): 65,43,215
ISPs users: 43,24,353 (No. of users is generally much more than the no. of subscribers)
Broadband internet penetration: 72.98%

Top ISPs by subscribers Summary:

1. Worldlink: 368,787
2. Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited: 243,747
3. Subisu: 124,620
4. Vianet: 108,153
5. Classic Tech: 102,907
6. Broadlink: 60,754
7. Techminds Chitwan: 42,908